Population Genetics and Genomics

MedBlueSGen: a population genetic study on Mediterranean and North East Atlantic blue shark for stocks identification and conservation

Photo By Diego Delso, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=108259682.
Characterize the population structure of the Mediterranean and neighboring Atlantic blue shark, *Prionace glauca*, populations, for stock delineation and conservation. (Click to expand)
Through genome-representative and ddRAD-derived SNP markers, we are investigating the population structure of the Mediterranean and North East Atlantic blue shark, in order to delineate the number of populations detecatable in the study areas. Genome-representative markers allows a way deeper search for population genetic signals capable to discriminate different populations, which may be under the effect of separate demographic processes. This is mandatory to better manage the stocks and preserve their resilience under the direct and undirect anthropogenic pressures (overfishing, loss of habitat, climate change, etc.). The MedBlueSGen project is funder by the Joint Research Center of the European Union, and the project website can be seen here. An interactive sampling map is available here. Published articles within this project can be viewed here

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environmental DNA

The environmental DNA as a biomonitoring tool in Marine Protected Areas - National Biodiversity Future Center, NBFC